Deepthi S. Prabhu
Postdoc at Steward Observatory

I am a postdoc at the Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory, University of Arizona., working with Prof. David Sand. Prior to this, I was a Ph.D. candidate and postdoc at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bengaluru., working with Prof. Annapurni Subramaniam.
My research interests broadly encompass galaxy formation and evolution, resolved stellar population studies of nearby galaxies and so on. In my PhD, I worked on understanding the late evolutionary stages of low-mass stars through photometric observations of ultraviolet-bright stars in Galactic globular clusters.
I am primarily an observational astronomer. I have experience using data from the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) onboard India's first multi-wavelength space observatory, AstroSat. I have also utilized archival astrophotometric catalogs based on HST (e.g., HUGS), Gaia and ground-based telescopes. I have worked with MUSE IFU spectroscopic data to study globular cluster stars.
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Galaxy formation and evolution • Resolved stellar populations • Globular Cluster • Variable Stars • UV Astronomy • Spectroscopy
See more: Research
Background Image: 2m HCT at Indian Astronomical Observatory, Hanle. Credits: Mr. Dorje Angchuk